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Spring: New Life: Imbolc
Summer: Growth: Beltane
Autumn: Maturity: Lughnasadh
Winter: Death: Yule
Final thought
Spring: New Life: Imbolc
Summer: Growth: Beltane
Autumn: Maturity: Lughnasadh
Winter: Death: Yule
Final thought
The four seasons of the Earth -
The Four Ages of Man
The concept that Avebury and its various ancient sites, beyond
the main focus of the Henge, is an outline of the Mother Goddess has much
to commend it. Trace the outline of the places mentioned by William Stukeley
in 1724, with the topography of the land on an Ordnance Survey Map and
an image of the squatting Goddess appears.
How, though, would this have been known to the architects of Avebury,
on the ground and without the benefit of an aerial view?
Let us credit them with the genius they deserve.
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The season of nurturing and growth and what better way to
start than a great May Festival ? A Mayday event, for the celebration
of coming of age, inside the main Avebury temple. The stone avenue or
avenues, as Stukeley would have it, could have provided stunning processional
routes* for the adolescents. In a shorter lifespan than we enjoy today,
there would have been a pressing and earlier need for regeneration at
a fundamental level. The union of male and female, at this time, would
ensure that the progeny would develop in the comfort of the womb through
the cold Winter months. At birth, in the early part of the following year,
the infants would have the best chance to develop through Summer, to survive
their first Winter. The main henge and circle of stones was a fitting
monument to the Goddess, but seen as the living body. Ceremonial entry
to the Circle would then have, indeed, been awe-inspiring.
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